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Current location:Home  >  Product Center  >  Herbal decoction pieces machinery

  • New wind dust cleaning machine
    "New wind dust cleaning machine"

    Suitable for pharmaceutical industry dust cleaning and Electronics, machinery processing, confidential equipment, biological, chemical, food, flour, shaping...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:2930
  • Small forging furnace
    "Small forging furnace"

    Calcining oven is fit for Mineral material herbal(like:ochre,magnet,Stalactite) and shellfish herbal(like:Oysters,margarite and so on) to calcine red and cr...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3240
  • Small traditional Chinese medicine frying/sauting machine
    "Small traditional Chinese medicine frying/sauting machine"

    This machine's distinguished by high and low type automatic electric heating thermostat,constant temperature device,inner of barrel have spiral plate,saute ...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3221
  • Multi-functional rotaty herbal cutting machine
    "Multi-functional rotaty herbal cutting machine"

    Main application:Used for root,fruit,seed of herbal and agriculture products likepotato cutting and processing.

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:2873
  • Frequency style wind selecting machine
    "Frequency style wind selecting machine"

    For medicinal herbs, pieces or similar material selection, cooling, etc. Especially the packing density of the mixture,the drag was selected with the materi...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Frequency style wind selecting machineVisits:2956
  • Traditional Chinese medicine moist machine
    "Traditional Chinese medicine moist machine"

    The machine technology is advanced, which is in accordance with the principle and requirements of the traditional processing, make sure the drug resistance ...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3018
  • Linear reciprocating traditional Chinese medicine cutting machine
    "Linear reciprocating traditional Chinese medicine cutting machine"

    The machine suitable for all kinds of leaves,leather, rattan,root,grass,flower and most fruit,seed and similar traditional Chinese medicinal materials cutti...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3178
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