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  • Groove type mixing machine
    "Groove type mixing machine"

    The machine is a full stainless steel horizontal type mixer, which is used in the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries for mixed powder or paste.

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3046
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  • V type mixing machine
    "V type mixing machine"

    Suitable for pharmaceutical, food, dry powder in chemical industry and granular materials mixing.

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3309
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  • Three-dimensional mixing machine
    "Three-dimensional mixing machine"

    The machine widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other industries dry powder materials mixing.

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3028
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  • Electrothermal constant-temperature dry oven
    "Electrothermal constant-temperature dry oven"

    Suitable for laboratory of industrial and mining enterprises, laboratory medicine, scientific research for drying, baking, melting, sterilization, curin...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3347
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  • Vacuum drying oven
    "Vacuum drying oven"

    This machine is suitable for low temperature drying of medicine, food, chemical and other industries, which has the advantages of high speed, little polluti...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3001
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  • Hot wind circuit braker
    "Hot wind circuit braker"

    This machine is suitable for medicine, chemical industry, foodstuff,agricultural and sideline products, aquatic products, light industry and other industrie...

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3126
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  • Liquid mixing tank
    "Liquid mixing tank"

    This machine is suitable for pharmaceutical, biological, foodstuff, chemical and other industries, usual used in liquid mixing and heating or cooling.

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:4023
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  • Liquid storage tank
    "Liquid storage tank"

    The machine is suitable for pharmaceutical, foodstuff, chemical,and dairy industry storage or transfer.

    Update time:2023-2-3Model:Visits:3272
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