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Development direction and performance of ultrafine grinding equipment

Release time:2015-4-27      Number of hits:3290

    With the development of these high-tech technologies, ultra-fine crushing technology will develop into a new stage.n the future, the development trend of high and new technology is the development direction of superfine grinding technology and its equipment. Factory talk about development direction and performance of ultrafine grinding equipment:

1、Finer grain size, crushing limit is getting lower.This is also the requirement of the market, Today's high-tech market is getting more and more high, particle size at 1 μm below will gradually become the trend of development.

2、Machine stability and capacity requirement will more high. Enterprises are now required to expand, fine. Enterprises bigger, it is bound to further increase the production of its production, the requirements of more and more annual production.   

3、Requirements for grading equipment are also getting higher and higher. Grain milling equipment requires more and more fine, it is bound to increase the classification accuracy of grading equipment.   

4、Wear down gradually. Now the wear of micro powder grinding equipment has become a top issue for all enterprises. Wear small can improve the life of equipment.

   The future development direction of grinding machine is mainly manifested in the following aspects:   

1、Need to modify existing mill structure, improve the convenience of crushing capacity and equipment on the hard ore milling machine maintenance,The utilization rate of primary crushing rate and energy of the ore is improved.  

2、The service life of the wear ring of wear parts with high wear resistance and high toughness was developed, improve productivity, save cost.   

3、Using existing high technology, continuously improve automation of the milling equipment, reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve productivity.   

4、In order to meet the needs of the market and customers,  milling equipment serialization, standardization, large-scale development.   

5、Adhere to technological innovation,gradually get rid of the product of a single introduction and imitation.