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Traditional Chinese medicine preparation equipment extraction and concentration operation

Release time:2015-4-10      Number of hits:3289

一、Drug extraction:

1、Preparation before extraction:Check the extraction tank is clean, whether there is the last residue of the extract, after cleaning, check whether the water level line in the safe range, the instrument, the instrument is normal, determine the correct. Will be the selection of clean raw materials into the extraction tank, add water to the provisions of the water level line.

2、Drug extraction:Turn on power supply after confirm already, open water colling after boiled, so drug ingredients not volatile, After the extraction, first put the liquid to a certain amount of time, The extraction tank pressure down to safety, open the inlet cover slowly , After the gas is finished and safe,open all valve.

3、Deslagging:put wast into bag,washing pot.

4、Replace the Jacketed kettle pot water regularly.

二、Liquid concentration:

1、Preparation before concentration: Check whether concentrated pot clean and residue, Check the water level line if in the safe range or not.

2、Liquid concentration: poured medicine liquid into the concentrated pot, turn on the power and let the concentrated heat, In this process, concentrated and stirring maintime.

3、Work end: after the end of the work, concentrate pot wash for the next backup. Replace the water in the sandwich pot.

4、Keep working studio clean.